"Those creatures will be exhausted!" < Beryl always makes me laugh! This sounds like a delightful project. I haven't figured out the combo of "functional" and "tapestry" as yet, but the found part I explored last summer. I was playing with making cordage and then tried to use it in a tapestry that depicted the flower the cordage was from. Some were more successful than others, but, in a pinch, yucca cordage would make tapestry warp during an economic apocalypse. Put that in the functional column. Hmmm... functional and tapestry don't have to link as adjective and noun, do they?

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Happily, we don't have to know anything at all do we -- just meander along and see what shows up and how it works--functionally or not. Because of course something might SEEM like it'll be functional, and then not be, at least in the way we might imagine. And materials too. the subtle differences in weavability could keep a gal exploring for ages. Or drive her nuts. Depending :-)

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I’m excited to see the results!

I have been thinking of this throughout the week and still wonder what it may take to get you into a mural. I will contemplate joining you. I’m partaking in Rebecca Mezoff’s Summer of Tapestry and there could be some overlap. I’ll read up on ‘find’ again.

Thanks for the word lesson.


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Oh gosh, have a grand time with Rebecca. And there might well be overlap that just shows up -- like the right color, or the perfect smidgen of yarn for whatever it is that the summer presents. The possibilities are so deliciously broad...

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I find thee makes me happy.

A function I prize most dearly.

With Beryl keeping a level eye

Under that beautiful, beautiful sky,

Let the weaving begin!

The Gusset is so darn fun! 🤗

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Oh golly Sandy -- these words make me so very very happy.

Because fun is so much of the point, isn't it?

Wherever it may find us...

Thank you

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I'm happy that Beryl is being supportive...

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Who knew that Beryl would have a better handle on what I might need than my younger, and oh so opinionated selves???

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I was so concerned on opening your email this morning to find a cartoon of competing dogs, seemingly in a race for attention and NO SIGN OF BERYL! Then I realised I had completely missed last week's post and the Poll and I'm now rapidly catching up. Would I have engaged with the process? I can't decide but I am very happy to follow whichever rabbit hole you dive down and would tentatively join in the quest if it wasn't for all the existing projects...have you ever left a warp (in this case for a fringeless) half prepared, been utterly distracted by the rest of life and come back to it with NO IDEA what it was set up for? (I've found my sketch and note now but that was a scarily blank moment).

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Oh my word, that must have been worrying! The dog race without Beryl. Though honestly, she's not much of a racer. Well, she will sprint after our backyard bunny (I think it is a game for both of them), but a long race is not her style. (probably why she was so worried about them keeping it up all week!)

And HA! Yes indeed to the warped loom. Or (in my case) some spun fiber. "I know I had a plan... once.... but what WAS it?"

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Hi! What do you mean by “functional” tapestry? Isabel

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Well Louise, that IS the question of the moment! I think I thought I knew (at least a little), when I put that option on the poll, but honestly was not expecting to have "functional" and "tapestry" be the combination of the moment. Not that tapestries arne't functional just by their very nature--not only good for warmth, drafts and storytelling (at least the big ones), they provide pleasure at any size (or so one hopes), which is a job indeed... But yes -- much to explore. A summer's worth? What does it mean to you?

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I just read the last 2 Gusset entries. For what it is worth and an unknown reason, my first mental picture reaction of "functional tapestry" was a tweed newsboy cap sitting on a small foot stool with a tapestry cover..... 😕😕 Perplexing even to me!😂 Maybe prompted by a recent email from https://www.rustique.scot/footstools ??

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Oh gosh, those footstools are GORGEOUS! I'm entranced. Are you going to make one? The tweed newsboy cap -- might have to weave a nice twill for that....But maybe shaped tapestry... hmmmm

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This will be so fun to watch! I voted for random things you find...and back-strap, thinking it would be easier to use random things that way. I was thinking of random things mostly from nature, like your milkweed, the tiger lily leaves, other dead leaves, dandelion stems, even your coffee filters! But find DIFFERENT random things for this! 🤣 However, tapestry will make that a bit more interesting. You are right though, "find" has many meanings and possibilities. Using your fringeless method, you could easily make functional tapestry- a throw pillow cover, tote bag, rug, book cover...😃

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Yes Patricia, I imagine random things and backstrap would go together a little easier. Though honestly, it turns out I'm happy happy to randomly find things I've found before. "OH yes, THIS old friend I haven't worked with in years!" and see how they feel right now. Lots to experiment with at any rate --- Thanks for all the smashing ideas! Did you see the footstool link from Heather I Colorado? YUMMY idea.

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Yes! The footstool is a great idea! And discovering new “old things” long forgotten is perfectly fine. Using past one-off experimental spun skeins of whatever…perfect for this journey! Have delicious fun gathering random things and making the starting decisions! 😃

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