It's a beautiful dress and you still fit in it! Bravo.

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Lovely dress!

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Beautiful dress, and beautiful you. Sounds as if your niece has learned much from you. Glad for both you and Beryl that you are home.

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What a beautiful dress, both then and now! The yak situation made me chuckle... my own Buddha, who is herself a dog, does not like other dogs, save her brother (from another mother).

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My dog Scarface didn't like other dogs either. It was kind of exhausting sometimes making sure she didn't start a fight. And it wasn't just lack of socializing as she started doing this as a very small puppy. For all that though, she at least didn't have big horns or sharp hooves!

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I cannot stop looking at that wedding picture! So beautiful (the muslin, too, but...). The smiles, the peeks of blue (socks, too?) the vest, the trim on the v neck. ❤️❤️❤️ so perfect.

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Oh gosh, thank you for noticing the trim! That was my one bit bit of hand spun-- silk knitted lace embellishment cuz I couldn't not....

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I do enjoy Beryl's dry sense of humour.

Love the dresses. I think I have clothes nearly as ancient, which I mostly fit into.

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It's satisfying, isn't it, to connect with those lovely old clothes and remember the self who bought/made/ word them.

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I'll never forget that glorious day in Vermont 35 summers ago. Stunning how you re-imagined the dress...So fun...and that you look more beautiful (to me) now than then, when there were all kinds of stresses associated with having a wedding at all, much less in Vermont, and all that other younger self stuff...This post is at once a great release from all of that and a full embrace of the stunning transformation of our lives over time.

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Well the whole long ago event happened thanks you --and it came off beautifully. Still, as you say, I'm so happy that now is where we are --if you know what I mean!

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Beautiful dresses, both! Makes me want to get into the trunk and dig out the muslin wedding dress I sewed for myself 43 years ago (pre-weaving). Built it around some crocheted lace I'd found somewhere and wore it for our wedding in these very woods where we live today, changed though we are, both us and the woods, by time and the elements. .... Didn't Beryl chase the visitor? Doesn't it eat your lettuce?

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What a lovely story and thing to remember. What a delight, too, that you're in the same woods. I hope you do dig out the dress. It might like an airing -- maybe even a walk among the trees.

And yes, Beryl did eventually chase the rabbit. I think they actually have a kind of understanding, as they chase (and tease) several times a day. If it was untenable, I assume the rabbit would move away...

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Oh, to be as faithful as Beryl, and know the reason why. I have been thinking about reason ever since coming across this quote by Pascal - mid 1650's on Garrison Keillor's Writers Almanac recently. Blaise Pascal, who said, "The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of." Being keenly interested in math and physics at a time that was frightfully religious, I like that he came upon this thought. Almost as much as I like your wedding dress and handsome beau and how terrifically you wear it today with the beautiful Carolyn Doe embellishment. Love knowing about her, too. Knew nothing of your large tapestries frog era! How enchanting! And totally you! So much happiness in your post.

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What an utterly marvelous quote. Thank you for that. Pretty much sums up everything we need to know about the wisdom of the heart and intuition (and the trusting of both). Thank you so much for that.

So glad you enjoyed both the post and Carolyn's site. She's amazing.

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Good to know that the quote delights you, too. I've been riding pretty high on it ever since reading it. 🎈

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Yes! A clearly stated truth a gal can lean on.

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That lettuce .... as see-through as the muslin. A splendid post, thank you!

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The Willamette valley, a wee hut, someone else’s weeded garden, a wedding, a dress, a yak. So much to smile and wonder and laugh at here. Thank you Sarah.

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I know weddings are so important to go to, but oh how it must’ve been awful to be away from Beryl. I can barely stand to be away from Breoghan long enough to go to the grocery store, which is 3 miles away. Which is why I don’t. I have a magnetic bumper sticker that sits on the passenger door of my truck (her door - she rides shotgun in a fancy seatbelt/harness thingy), which reads, “DOG is my copilot”. It’s no joke. She’s my ride or die.

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I feel exactly the same way. She comes with me everywhere (Wedding excepted). Indeed, I’ve pretty much given up riding my bike as she’s too big to ride on it, and I don't want her to race beside me around town. Leaving her home this time was definitely not my first choice…

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