Ooooh, madrugadorial... what a lovely new word for a can't help myself early bird!

Happy trails to you! Do you and Rebecca have a new project in the works?

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I'll confess that when you said you were heading for a meetup with Rebecca, my first thought was of the three dogs. Quickly on their heels came thoughts of your creativity and companionship. Sending loving thoughts to all.

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Oh, I hope your time with Rebecca Mezoff led to the possibility of another wonderful Mezzoff/Swett production! So fun that your pups got to hang out together, too!

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More Beryl. More thread. More walks in very foreign (to me) lands. Thank you.

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Oooo- excited for future projects together.

I’m also traveling with a small tapestry loom. After driving for four days, today I will go through airport security with said loom. I’m not willing to check it in luggage.

Wish me luck!

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Thank you for taking us along! Knitting thru a traffic standstill is about as perfect a solution as one can have. Do love that beautiful white wooly yarn! Love to see how Beryl is gnawing that stick down to size. In a pinch she might enjoy a carrot. A friend treats her doggies to carrots and they love them. Love all the walks and open views. Sending wishes for happy travels all the way back home.

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Excited for you both to put your heads together which will give us all new ideas!!!!

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