Oh my gosh, your Dad reads your blog? That is too cool.

I am not surprised that Beryl doesn't like being left at home. I could see in the video how she keeps a close eye on you. You are her precious human who makes her happy and it is wonderful to see.

As ever, your creativity is off the charts. I learn SO MUCH reading about your weaving and other arts.

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When my father and mother were very first pregnant, they referred to the baby as "the first twig on the family tree." They named the baby Ann, but she's been called Twig ever since. Another use of the word. Signed, the second twig on the family tree.

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Sarah, your posts are my weekly moment of respite My question is: How on earth do you find all of these events? Neil Gaiman, Hourly Comics Day... I, too, love this kind of stuff and wouldn't know how to even start to find it (and I consider myself to be relatively tech/search savvy). Hugs to Beryl from my pups, Alfie, Mo, and Biscuit.

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The words twig and land DO conjure a dream... A dream to live somewhere quiet, out of town, with land and twigs to examine at my leisure with beloved canines by my side. Oh my... I guess I should start looking for a spot.

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I love that twig also works as a verb if you're British: "Beryl twigged that I was prepared to leave her behind as I ran errands and so, reluctantly, got into the truck."

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Hey there, if you have a free second and can post the link to the Neil Gaiman-Rob Wilkins talk, I'd love to listen. I assume they are discussing Sir Terry?

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I love the matching coats you and Beryl have!

You and “words” are a beautiful pair too!

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what you do is important to me, reminding me of other important ways of connection.

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A heads up about the truck- you might have a slight exhaust leak that is upsetting Beryl

Or maybe it's too high up. Idk, dogs are weird 😄

But maybe have your exhaust checked

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Beryl is such a smart pup!

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Thanks so much for sharing your weaving process videos, it's always so interesting to see how other people do it. The warp is quite thick right? I'm in awe of how snugly your letters all fit into the rest. I can barely do triangles, but I'll get there. About land - I just wanted to say that in the Irish language there are 32 words for field. Maybe that's interesting.

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Sarah you and Beryl do me such good! Thank you for sharing your path through life. It is a real treat!

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Can't possibly convey the solace thinking of "mend land" offers at this moment. My meditation for the moment 💚

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I love MendLand. I’m on my way with a oneway ticket!

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Lovely as always, Sarah. Such a gift to be able to read it. Watching the weaving take place says so much to a visual learner. Thank you. I am fixated by all things blue these days. What do you use to make blue?

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I just love where your mind goes with this but being surprised and delighted by where your mind goes is why I like reading your newsletter so much! Like the process of creativity itself, woven in and through what's being made ...

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