It began so simply.
Just a whisper of an idea.
A quick peek.
A casual sketch.
A wee experiment.
I didn’t mean to get out my carving tools.
Or keep looking at houses.
But suddenly—
—ink was everywhere.
I told myself it was “just an experiment”.
But Beryl knows better.
To her it has been perfectly obvious—
—that going in two directions at once—1
—is not sensible.
Being Beryl, she is remarkably patient as I clean, sort and thin—even if none of it is her cup of tea.2
Of course it’s not mine either (big surprise), but marvelous people have fallen love with my quirky old house—
—and if they are to move in before spring—
—things need to get done.
So on we go.
Yes, we’re more than a little off kilter.3
No surprise there.
But luckily there is light—
—and delight—4
—in perfectly ordinary places—
—and if we can pause to notice the tiniest flicker—
—we do all right.5
It’s been so long since I’ve carved a relief block that I actually forgot the print is a mirror image of the original.
The houses I’m exploring are about half the size of my current house so there is something to decide about in every corner. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning is a huge inspiration.
It is a little wild to try to do all these things while still hoping/trying to show up here on The Gusset, but sometimes life is like that. Of course I may be a teensy bit inconsistent in these next ???? weeks, and if so, at least you’ll know the reason why.
Also amazing, supportive, helpful and life-affirming friends
I hope you are too. All right, that is.
Also —next year I’m going to order my Solstice Bundle early. All of us had SO much fun with these candles—even (or maybe especially), the two year old who can stick wax shapes onto a candle like nobody’s business. I can hardly wait for next solstice. Well maybe I can. Spring is pretty marvelous. Or will be when it comes. And just now I’m actually noticing each slightly longer Northern Hemisphere day.
I’m so excited for you. And Beryl ❤️